My Journey and My Passion for Your Natural Crown
Hello, my name is Pamela, affectionately known to many as Pammie. I am a homebased independent Natural Haircare Specialist, Loctician, Loc Specialist and educator. I have been on a journey that began with myself and expanded it to my community with haircare needs and education.
My experience in haircare began very early in my life at home. My mother was a cosmetologist, and she taught my sisters and I all we know about the foundations of natural haircare. I became familiar with knowledge of; braiding; trimming ends; press n curl with hot comb and marcels and more. When I attended high school, I was presented with an opportunity to attend a night school vocational study program; I chose cosmetology, attended class in the evenings and received certification and state license upon completion of the program,
Beauty Standard Transformation:
As previously mentioned, over the years, I had been taught a lot about haircare, the good and the bad. What bad, you might ask; well, I was groomed (by societies standards) to believe that beauty was within the standard of having straightened silky long hair but having hair that was considered 'kinky'or 'nappy' meant your hair was unkempt and ugly. Because I had subscribed to these beauty standards, induced by societal standards, I statred to believe my natural hair was too much to manage and I begged my mother at the age of 10, "PLEASE relax my hair". It took a lot of nagging, whining and begging before she finally gave in and relaxed my hair. She taught my sister's and I how to properly mix and install the relaxer, as to not damage our scalp with chemical burns or over process our hair. For 19 years, like clockwork, I would touch-up my roots with the relaxer aka creamy crack, to keep my hair permanently straightened.
Going Natural:
I'd like to say, going back to my natural roots began in 2004, but in actuality, it started in 2003 when I learned I was pregnant with my second child. Afterall, I never did process my hair with anything chemical during pregnancy. One month after he was born, I chopped off all my previously processed hair, and it was a LOT of hair to chop, 13 inches of thick full hair in fact. Going natural for me, was a process that came in several stages. Let me assure you, a big chop is not all it takes to go natural. It took quite a bit of an adjustment to transition from having permanently straightened hair and returning back to having a more time-consuming head of coily curly hair to manage. My 3B/C curls looked pretty, but it was a real challenge to achieve after so many years of not having to detangle and work on my curly hair. I became so frustrated with the time-consuming task of maintaining my natural hair, I eventually surrendered to using a texturizer to loosen my curls some, making maintenance easier for me. I knew then, I would need a mental makeover to achieve this transition back to being fully natural. For ME, natural meant making no changes to my texture with heat or harsh chemicals such as relaxers or texturizers, it meant maintaining my hair in its fully natural state as it is when it grows out of my scalp. Throughout the process of this transition, I learned a great deal about myself, I had forgotten me; but now, the veil had been lifted and the true journey had begun.
Locs, the final stage:
Fast forward 11 years with many ups and downs, to the year 2015. I had been playing with the idea of locking my hair. In that time, I learned some things about Locs, but just enough to get the gist of having locs and how to do a palm roll retwist. I was ready to take the next step into my final stage of being the most natural I could be, starting my Locs. So, on March 5, 2015, I started my Loc Journey. My eldest son followed 2 months later and within 18 months, my children and I were ALL loc'd. I learned a lot through trial and error on my own locs. I learned that my knowledge of natural haircare and the minimal research I had done on locs, certainly would not be enough education in order to maintain our locs properly, so I enrolled myself into a loc certification course. After receiving my certification, I was ready to maintain my family's Locs.
The Birth of Pammie Locs with Love:
While completing the apprenticeship portion of certification, I started building my hair family maintaining hair part-time at home with a small group of clients, I started with my original 6 clients. Moving forward I had planned to leave my day job by the end of 2020 and work full-time as a Loctician and Natural Haircare Specialist, but then tragedy struck the world. I did leave my job, but sooner than planned, because my family needed my husband and I and I knew I would not have survived if I had stayed. Prior to the lockdown, I had accumulated up to 10 clients and they couldn't come to see me for maintenance; so, I set up a zoom account and used it to educate my small group of clients to help them maintain their Locs themselves. Word got out and I started to virtually educate others via zoom; they later became my clients as well. That is when Pammie Locs with Love was born. The love and care I put into educating my clients helped me to develop the kind of haircare I wanted to provide for my clients.
I now have 40+ years of experience with Natural Haircare and 9+ years as a Loc Specialist and Educator. I love what I do and am grateful for the knowledge and the community of beautiful natural and loc'd individuals I have come to know and love. We are a growing community. Here's to Loc Love.