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Rules and Policies
(all are nonnegotiable)
Consultation Requirement (New Clients)
All clients new to this service are required to complete a consultation prior to booking any services on this site. Service request will be denied if consultation has not been completed first.
Stick to your Time
Please, arrive at the time you request. Early arrivals impose on mine and other client's time. I hold a strict policy of respecting mine & other client's time.
All appointments are one-to-one, please do not bring any company with you to your appointments, come alone. This includes bringing your children with you, please make the necessary arrangements to come alone [Exception to minors who require a guardian/adult escort.]
Lateness 30 minutes or more is an automatic penalized cancellation. A $25 late fee will be added once you reach 20 minutes late. YES, if ever I am delayed, you will be offered a discount of equal value.
Age Requirement for Locs
Age requirement for client is 13 years of age or older. Selected younger children ages 5-12, can be booked for annual back-to-school promo appointments ONLY, between 8/20-9/20 and must be accompanied by an adult.
Deposits are not initially required. However, if 3 penalized cancellations or last-minute rescheduling occurs, you will be required a deposit of 50% for every appointment moving forward..
Illness Policy
If you test positive for COVID-19 or may be feeling ill with any communicable illness (e.g."allergies", stuffy nose, cough, cold, flu, rash, lice), do not come to the appointment; your presence can contaminate the workspace. Instead, please contact your stylist for further instructions. I do take HIPPA LAW VERY seriously and so, any information shared with me will be kept confidential. Use the "Let's Chat" link to reach me.
No Call No Show
***After attempting to contact you, 'NO CALL NO SHOW" will result in your being banned permanently from my services. No call no show is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Monday-Saturday 10:00am thru 6:00pm Sunday 12noon thru 4:00pm
Services (click to view details)
45 min
Q & A to help with information you need for your personal hair journey [includes demos].
1 hr
starting at $503 hr
From 80 US dollars2 hr 30 min
From 120 US dollars2 hr
From 50 US dollars8 hr
300 US dollars3 hr
200 US dollars3 hr
150 US dollars2 hr 30 min
125 US dollars4 hr
250 US dollars3 hr
180 US dollars2 hr 30 min
From 120 US dollars2 hr
From 80 US dollars1 hr 30 min
80 US dollars2 hr
From 75 US dollars2 hr
From 40 US dollarsVegan Detox Soak add on service to Retwist or Loc Wash appointments.
45 min
41.50 US dollarsProtective Loc styles help preserve and hold your retwist longer and helps avoid unraveling.
30 min
From 20 US dollars1 hr
From 40 US dollarsstyles such as fish tail, french braid, bridal styling, pedal locs, barrel twist, updo etc.
45 min
From 60 US dollars