Welcome to another week of Locs Talk, where I talk about all thing Locs and Loose-Natural hair care. I am going to narrow down the topics I discuss in order to discuss them in full detail from now on. This week's discussion will be focused on Locs and one of the most common problems that occur with Locs, a condition referred to as Loc Rot, Dread Rot, or Moldy Locs. I know how that must sound and yes, it is as disgusting as it sounds. Loc rot is the growth of fungus inside the Loc. Now I am putting emphasis on the word 'inside' the Loc because there has not been any documented scientific evidence of mold growing on the surface of hair; however, when it comes to Locs, we are talking about hair that is enclosed within the Loc. If you can recall my depiction of a Locs cycle with the use of an analogy to the life cycle of a butterfly and how the outer surface of the Locs is sort of like a cocoon; the internal part of the cocoon or inside of the Loc is susceptible to moisture locking inside, for a prolonged period of time, long enough to grow mildew and mold.
I know I mentioned several other known names for this condition, but, for the sake of this blog, we are going to stay with the term Loc Rot. To reiterate, Loc Rot is a growth of fungus such as mildew and mold that grows inside the Loc. The mold that grows, while it is smelly, it is not the extremely dangerous and hazardous 'black mold' that often grows in homes. The primary cause of Loc Rot is not allowing your Locs to dry properly. Another way to help you to understand what I mean by not letting your Locs dry properly; think of a damp towel that's been put in the hamper without fully drying it first and a day or two later, when it's time to do the laundry, you catch a smelly whiff of that towel as you remove it from the hamper to wash it. The smell is the most common way of finding out you may have Loc Rot. It is most noticed when your Locs are damp or wet. Loc Rot occurs so often, because it is usually accompanied by lack of proper hair washing and buildup of products. The residue from product buildup makes it difficult for Locs to dry properly and the dampness creates even more buildup. This is the reason why it is so important to wash your hair regularly and consistently. It is important to thoroughly rinse the shampoo and conditioner from your hair to remove residue left behind from shampoo and conditioner which by the way, can prolong drying also. Having Low porosity hair (hair that retains moisture for longer periods of time and takes longer to dry), has also been a common cause for Loc Rot to occur, when the hair is not properly dried.
Some of the measures to take in order to properly dry your Locs on wash day, without causing heat damage from using high heat too often, are as follows:
Wash your hair earlier during the day and choose a day when you have the time for yourself to just stick with self-care routines. Washing your Locs late at night is often followed by sleeping on damp hair and keeping it wet for too long. Not to mention, the heat from wrapping your hair and sleeping on it, speeds up the process of fungal growth.
Use a micro-fiber towel to wrap your Locs and wear the towel for at least 30 minutes to an hour. If your hair is super dense due to low porosity and your hair is holding a lot of water, do the towel wrap a second time, to assure your hair dries in a decent amount of time.
Utilize the sun and outdoor breeze to help dry your Locs during warmer weather, taking a walk outside is a great way to airdry your Locs.
Use a hooded or hand-held dryer, setting to low or cool to aid in drying your Locs during colder weather or when being outdoors is not an option. (Avoid high heat to prevent dehydration and heat damage to your Locs).
Rinse shampoo and conditioner thoroughly to avoid buildup of shampoo and conditioner residue.
Keep Locs separated and uncovered while damp; to give your Locs the space they need in order to dry properly. (Much like spreading out a damp towel to allow it the maximum space it needs to dry quickly).
Finally, do not over saturate your Locs during your moisture routines, a little goes a long way.
***NOTE*** Your roots often times will dry much sooner than your Locs. It is often assumed that the Locs are dry upon discovery the roots being dry. Roots and Locs are often never dried at the same time.
So, what happens if it's too late and Loc Rot has set in? Well, there is no easy answer to that question. It depends on how severe the case is. I will tell you this, try all that you can safely, before giving up and by combing out your Locs or cutting them off to remove the mold. As previously spoken, it does depend on how severe the case is. If the case is extreme, you may need to cut off of comb out your Locs and start over, if you choose to continue a Loc journey. In cases not so severe, but the smell is potent, then there may be hope for you. I mentioned in a previous blog how beneficial ACV (apple cider vinegar) is when it comes to treating your Locs and your scalp for fungal infections. If you can recall, I mentioned then that ACV is an antifungal agent. I also mentioned in that same blog, that Teatree oil is also an antifungal agent. So how do you use these two ingredients to treat Loc Rot? I will tell you how, there are two steps to this process:
Antifungal Detox soak: Using an inflatable basin, fill with 2 gallons of warm (closer to hot) water, 2 cups of organic ACV, and 20 drops of Teatree oil. (I like to shake the Teatree oil with the ACV to mix first before pouring it into the water). Soak your Locs for 10- 20 minutes (I prefer the max of 20 minutes). ***Note*** this detox does NOT include the use of baking soda. Do not pour the ACV and Teatree solution directly onto your Locs, mix it with the water first, followed by submergence of your Locs into the water.
After soaking your Locs, using a strong clarifying shampoo, (I prefer to use ACV clarifying shampoo from Made for Locs) and follow with a good detoxing shampoo with Teatree oil in it and conditioner. Follow the steps above (previously mentioned) to properly dry your hair.
This treatment should kill the fungus as well remove the smell of mildew and mold, if this treatment does not remove the smell of mildew and mold from your Locs, it is likely the treatment did not work the first time. Wait 72 hours and repeat the antifungal detox soak for a maximum of 10-15 minutes and repeat with a thorough wash, rinse and dry. If it does not work the second time, chances are the condition is far gone, repeat the detox in increments of 72 hours up to 5 times. If it does not work, you will likely have to comb out your Locs to remove the mold and restart your Locs or cut them off. As you well know, I'd rather use preventive care by being proactive in order to prevent things from occurring, than to deal with the after care of being reactive to what's already has occurred. Loc Rot unfortunately is not uncommon. Often times it occurs as a result of not shampooing your Locs consistently to keep them residue and buildup free. Many people with Locs are told (by professionals, no less) not to wash their Locs often. That advice is often misinterpreted as going prolonged periods between washing, please, please, please, do not exceed 4 weeks between washes. Risk to your Locs and scalp rises tremendously once you've passed the threshold of 4 weeks, from Loc Rot to scalp fungal infections. So please, wash your hair. This is the part that should be made clear when professional Loc technicians advise not to wash too often.
Remember to always be proactive when it comes to caring for yourself. Thank you for joining me for another great weekly talk for Locs Talk. Until next time, I am wishing you a happy and healthy Loc Journey, from my chair to yours.