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Locs the Beginning (History of Locs)

Writer's picture: pammielocswithlovepammielocswithlove

Hello, welcome back to Locs Talk, where I talk about all things Locs and Loose-Natural. This week I am going to talk about the history of Locs and the origins that the research of historians have shown where it originates. This has been an ongoing topic in the Loc community with the lingering question; when and where does Locs originate? The most assumed answer is, Locs orignated from the Caribbean, particularly from Jamaica.

Research has shown that historians have been researching the origins of Locs for many many years, searching for documented evidence of its origins. As previously stated, many people believe Locs originated in the Caribbean as a ritual to the Rastafarian Religion. While it is factual that Locs are a huge part of the Rastafari Religion, originated in Jamaica in the 1930's; Jamaica is in fact not the origin from which Locs originated. Locs have been in existence long before the 1930's. I will say, personally though, I credit the Rastafarians for bringing Locs to light in this modern day and age, normalizing its existence more and more daily. While we aren't all Rastafarians, many of us embrace Locs for the same spiritual freedom of having Locs.

I did some digging and found some very interesting and informative information to share. The latest documented discovery of when and where Locs may have originated, was published on the website ( on November 11, 2021. Historians have researched and found that the Minoan Civilization, which dates back to 1500 BCE, twisted their hair into Locs. The Minoan Civilization was colonized by Archia Greeks in the 8th Century BCE. I am guessing this is why some say that the origins of Locs come from ancient Greece.

(Image of a Minoan Citizens with Locs.)

Published literature, such as what was published on website, August 31, 2017, some of the earliest depictions of dreads (another common name for Locs), date back to 3600 BC. It also states that Crete is the birthplace of the Minoan civilization and in Thera (modern day Santorini), show individuals with long braided hairstyles very similar to Locs. Note: Crete did not become an official part of Greece until 1913, long after the origins of Locs were documented as part of the Minoan Civilization. History also states that Minoans were Europeans.

Already, this information alone states the origin of Locs was documented over 3400 years (Centuries) prior to its relationship with the Rastafari Religion. But to give more information about the Rastafari Religion; it Originated in Jamaica in the 1930's as a movement. Dreadlocks, as they would refer to as Locs, are symbolic of the Lion of Judah which is centered on the Ethiopian flag (highly recognized in the Rastafari Religion & culture). Their dreadlocks were inspired by the Nazarites of the bible. In the Hebrew Bible, a Nazarite is one who voluntarily took a vow which is described the book of Number 6: 1-21. The specific verse that speaks on Locs is Number 6:5 where it says "During the entire period of their Nazirite vow, no razor may be used on their head. They must be holy until the period of their dedication to the LORD is over; they must let their hair grow long." If you recall the story of Samson and Delilah, Samson of the story was a Nazarite, the most famous of those listed in the bible.

There are other places and times where it is said Locs have originated. It is said the origins of Locs dates back to India, as early as 2500 BCE. It has been documented in ancient Indian scripture. This scripture is called 'Vedic Scripture' or 'Vedas", the scriptures are described as a depiction of the deity Shiva wearing 'JaTaa', which translates to twisted Loc of hair. The 'Vedas' Hindu Holy Scripture are a large body of religious text originating in ancient India. Composed in 'Vedic Sanskrit' the text constitutes the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. There are four Vedas: the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. Research has shown the Vedic scriptures provide the earliest known written evidence of 'dreadlocks' while the exact date of origin is still in dispute, ranging from 2500 to 500 BCE (but are most probably much older in origin due to a long oral tradition). The dreadlocked Vedic deity Shiva and his followers were described in the Vedic scriptures as "jaTaa" meaning, wearing twisted locks of hair (as I stated above) most likely derived from the Dravidian word "caTai" which means to twist or wrap. The Vedas are the primary text of Hinduism and had a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism, and also influenced the Celtic religion, society and folklore. According to Roman accounts of the time which can be found in the writings of Julis Caesar himself (the Celts wore dreadlocks as well), describing them as having "hair like snakes".(

The information provided from the Vedic Scriptures could be viewed as the earliest evidence of dreadlocks, but the most substantial evidence is that of ancient Egyptians, which is why most historians believe the origin of Locs originated in Ancient Egypt. Egypt holds the first archeological evidence for Locs, where mummies have been uncovered with their Locs still intact. (Illustrated below, an Ancient Egyptian Queen with her Locs still intact)

Published in the Encyclopedia of Hair, A Culture History (January 7, 2016); the oldest historical record of an African tribe rocking Locs, can be credited to the priests of the Ethiopian Coptic religion, who were wearing the styles as early as 500 BCE. Beginning from the most commonly well-known origin of Dreadlocks, the Rastafari connection to the Ethiopian Orthodox, it has come full circle. That explains the connection of the Lion Judah on the Rastafari Flag.

We've gone over a number of documented and archeological proofs of origins connecting when and where Locs may have originated. From as early as 2500 BCE to the 20th century in the 1930's, long before Christ roamed the earth to the modern day, yet there remains a dispute as to when and where. My question is, how much does it really matter to you? According to this documented history, it is safe to say that Locs are not simply a hairstyle or some new fad that just came about (while for very few it is), Locs are deeply rooted in our history and that is something we all can agree on. Locs are symbolic of Power, Religion, Healing, Spiritual Strength, and deeply rooted connection. Locs are found in almost every region of the world and historically were worn by powerful Kings and Queens, or people who are close to God, standing in their I AM.

I say this to encourage you to embrace every step and every part of your Loc Journey. Document your Loc Journey, both written and photographed. After some years pass, reflect back and read your words in your Loc Journal, review your photos and just look at the transformation that happens without you even realizing you've transformed. As your Locs grow in length, they also strengthen in frequency and connection to the Most-High. Write about how you've grown more at peace and how you're energetically drawing in people like yourself. Feel the Regal in you, as it intensifies in your existence. Wear your Locs proudly, for royalty is naturally crowned and your Locs are your natural Crown.

You will see, those who are spiritually connected, they never cut their Locs, as you saw illustrated in the Hindu section of this blog and as many Rastafarians do not cut their Locs, symbolic to their Holy Vow. Today, people who truly understand this connection, know they need not cut their Locs to relieve or cleanse negative energy but have as a symbolic way to cleanse them of their sins. Locs possess natural healing powers to yourself and others. Know it does, believe it does, and Manifest your healing power. Have you noticed the magnitude of people on their healing journey, all have Locs? "Locs represent a devotion to purity, and since the Locs are around your head and face, it acts as a constant spiritual reminder to its owner (you), own force, wisdom and generate goodness to yourself and others, ( "

The history of Locs goes far back and is deeply rooted within your spiritual soil and firmly planted within you. Embrace and LOVE your crown, for it is an extension of yourself. You are a God/Goddess, so stand in your I AM and wear your crown proudly. Don't let the judgement of society erase your history, your Locs are who you are, not just a style you wear.

This blog is dedicated to the celebration of Congress passing the CROWN ACT 2022 on March 18, 2022. To prohibit discrimination to anyone based on an individual's texture or style of hair. This Act may be cited as the "Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2022" or "CROWN" Act of 2022.

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